Associate Professor, Key Laboratory of Mathematics Mechanization, Chinese Academy of Sciences. (Prior to this, I was a research associate at the School of Mathematics, University of Bristol working with Ashley Montanaro and Noah Linden. I received my PhD at the University of Chinese Academy of Sciences.)
Research interests: quantum computation, quantum algorithms, quantum complexity theory and some relevant mathematics
My research aims to better understand the power of quantum computers. I am especially interested in quantum algorithms, quantum query, communication and circuit complexity. I am also interested in symbolic computation, where I use tools from Clifford algebra, computational algebraic geometry, and invariant theory to automated reasoning. Some other interesting research topics include the Kaczmarz method, and randomised numerical linear algebra.
"If you can't do great things, do small things in a great way. Don't wait for great opportunities. Seize common, everyday ones and make them great." --- Napoleon Hill
Google Scholar, arXiv, Some talks, A full list of publications, the following is a list of preprints
Low-degree approximation of QAC0 circuits
with Ashley Montanaro, Dominic Verdon
There is a bug in the paper, that will take some time to fix.
Reflective block Kaczmarz algorithms for least squares
Linear Algebra and Its Applications, 703, 584-618, 2024.
Quantum spectral method for gradient and Hessian estimation
with Yuxin Zhang
Lower bounds for quantum-inspired classical algorithms via communication complexity
with Nikhil S. Mande
Quantum 9, 1593, 2025
Quantum and classical query complexities of functions of matrices
with Ashley Montanaro
QIP 2024
STOC 2024
Testing quantum satisfiability
with Ashley Montanaro, Dominic Verdon
QIP 2024
Quantum speedup of leverage score sampling and its application
Quantum algorithms for spectral sums
with Alessandro Luongo